Busy Spring and Summer

Dahlias, Cosmos and Mignonette

We've been flat out all spring and summer. Had some glorious weather so we got the hoop house up and finished and I had some seedlings starting in there.  They were doing well until we had some nasty weather at the beginning of autumn and the hoop house got torn a bit - then a bit more ... we decided to take it down as it was not going to see the winter out. Oh well... back to the drawing board.

The dahlias did really well this year and are only now running out of puff. We have had high winds, hail and rain today so I'll be digging them up in a couple of day's time when the weather has calmed down a bit. I also sowed some seeds of hardy annuals, just to see how they would go. Cosmos and mignonette are doing well and have flowered. We did have a mild start to autumn but I'm still surprised that they all came up. Nice to have some flowers for the house though.

We have ordered loads of roses for sale and to establish our own rose garden for cut flowers. They will arrive at the end of June so the next month or so we'll prepare the beds and planting plan.

Plant stands made, firewood cut, first tuteur in the garden and the flower beds prepped.

During summer, I built plant stands for the nursery stock, tuteurs for the market garden and flower garden, plant pot surrounds and a bird feeder. We put up the posts for the shelter and we have cut down more tea tree around the place to tidy up a bit. Dirk has been cutting firewood and shredding up branches so that we have mulch for the gardens when it has aged a bit.

I haven't done too much on the mobile chook shed, but all the bits are cut and painted so with a couple of dry days, I should be able to get that finished before winter. I have an idea ticking away for a portable fence for the chooks too. They are currently wandering all over the place again and I need to focus their skills where I want them.

The flower beds have all been marked out and dug over but they need to be done again and prepared ready for spring planting. The bulb beds are ready and now that the colder weather is here, I'll be planting them up. The garlic beds are ready - one long bed for bulbils to get our seed crop going and two shorter beds for the seeds we have bought. Can't wait for our own garlic and to try making black garlic.


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