26 March 2020

I did get the house tidied up yesterday but then got sidetracked when I saw the solar panel in the shed!  Of course, I decided to get it set up.  After a fair bit of faffing around, getting it into place (it's big) then getting the cable run, I opened up the box - in the rain - only to find that it had some newfangled fittings on it.  You can imagine the language.  Once I had changed into dry clothes, I ordered the fittings I need and put that project on the back burner until they arrive.  Oh well, still plenty of other things to do..

New plants have arrived!  My lovely supplier posts on a Monday so that I can (usually) get them by Friday.. Sometimes they are held up by Biosecurity and I don't get them until Monday or Tuesday the following week.  The world really has gone mad - they are at the Post Office now, a day early!!

As soon as I receive new stock, I unpack them, give them some Seasol and leave them for a couple of days to recover from being squished in a box then I pot them up. I make the labels and bench cards and they can go out to the nursery.

It's a glorious day today, crisp and fresh with clear blue skies.  I am definitely outside today!

It's still a bit wet to be working on garden beds so I think I'll start work on tidying up my potting shed.  I've just been piling stuff up in there and I'm pretty sure one of the chooks is laying in a dark corner!  I really want to rip everything out and put up loads of shelves.  With a couple of days of fine weather forecast, I may just do that....
A glorious day at Riverwood Farm 💕💕


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