Off Grid and Hot Water

The woodstove does a fantastic job of heating
plenty of water
I love living off grid.  Being responsible for our own power, water and heating is very satisfying indeed.  There is one big downside during summer though - I have to light the woodstove in order to get any hot water!  Every window in the house is open and it's still stifling.

We have a solar hot water heater.  It's still sitting in it's wrapping waiting to be installed.  It took me ages to find a system that would work with tank water (low pressure), didn't use a pump (gravity from the tank) and that would work with the woodstove as a backup (for winter use).  Got the perfect system and now just have to sort out where it's going to go and how to get it installed there!  Lots of basics to sort out here including moving the water tanks so that we can get better pressure, but that's a whole other story!


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