Plants and mice

Have propagated a lily that I found in the original garden here and now have about 20 new plants growing nicely. 

So satisfying to watch seedlings and cuttings grow!  Unfortunately, the mice also like the tender plants and I have lost some to the greedy little buggers!  Archie (the cat) catches his share of mice and naturally, brings them into the house to finish them off - I stood on a little body the other day - so disgusting!

I don't want to use poison to kill the mice as we have the dogs, cat and chooks who may well decide to have a taste.  Traps would probably only catch Archie!  So it's down to the tiny tiger to catch them.  He's just turned 1 year old so has plenty of energy and I've seen him sitting next to the shed, waiting for the mice to show their whiskers!  Go Archie!!

This artichoke was badly gnawed
but amazingly, it's regrowing!
Some of the new lily plants

Three artichoke plants and about 6 strawberry seedlings also got munched but amazingly, they are coming good.

I will have a screened shed one day where my seedlings can safely grow up!

In the meantime, I have built some shelving for my baby plants and use my potting shed, but I'm running out of space very quickly so am going to see what materials I can find around the farm to build some more stands, just to keep the pots and trays off the ground.


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